As I reached the bridge, another guy who had been fishing the other side came across on his bicycle. He stopped to ask me how I did, and then asked, "You don't.... have a fishing blog, do you?". I wasn't expecting that! He said that he googled Yahara river fishing to see if there was anything in there, and my blog came up as one of the hits.
If anyone in Madison is reading this blog and wants to meet up to do some fishing, you're more than welcome to join me!
I didn't catch any walleye, but I got plenty of other fish. I caught largemouth, rock bass, pumpkinseed, and one drum. That's a total of 9 species in one evening, which I believe is a new personal best. :) As it was getting dark I decided to catch a few small sunfish to take home. I chose two green sunfish that seemed healthy and were very small. They are doing well in the aquarium now. The pumpkinseed checks up on them from time to time to remind them not to hang out in his favorite spots, but for the most part doesn't care that they're in there with him.
nice work Ben's!..
Thanks Mizlan! Update: the pumpkinseed ate half a nightcrawler, and everyone is getting along fine in the aquarium. There may be some minnows missing, but it's hard to tell.
That's quite a number of species you've caught this year. The logperch is interesting. Maybe you can go out to the Wisconsin River and add a sturgeon and spoonbill to your list, though I doubt they'll fit in the aquarium.
Yeah there's still quite a few fish out there that I haven't caught yet in Wisconsin.
1. bullhead (any kind)
2. carp (any kind)
3. channel catfish
4. flathead catfish
5. cisco (can you catch these?)
6. gar (are these common in WI?)
7. musky
8. paddlefish
9. grass pickerel (in WI?)
10. sturgeon
11. longear sunfish
12. trout (any kind)
13. warmouth
The bowfin is also a fun one. I once caught a big one from a boat under the HWY 12-18 bridge over the Yahara between Monona and Waubesa. I've seen some gars in Monona near the warm water discharge on the north shore.
I would soil myself if I pulled in a big bowfin, lol.
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