1. Very few minnows left. I tried to move them to a 10-15 gal tank but must have done it too soon, because a lot of them died. I don't think temperature was the problem, so it must have been chlorine or whatever else was in the tap water.
2. The pumpkinseed seems to be doing ok, but I haven't seen him eating. He may have been eating minnows, but I'm not sure. He doesn't show much interest in the worms I drop in.
3. The two green sunfish are eating pieces of worm I drop in, expecially the smaller of the two. They seem to be easy to take care of given their aggressive nature.
4. The logperch is plenty active but hasn't been eating anything that I've seen. I have to be very careful about making sudden movements around the aquarium because he freaks out easily and rushes around the tank scaring all the other fish. It's amazing how much commotion that one darter can cause!
5. I stirred up the gravel last night to see if it was getting dirty. Holy smokes! The water was swirling with bits of dead worm and uneaten fish food and other waste. There were even a few dead minnows that somehow made it under the gravel. It smelled absolutely terrible. I wish I would have moved the fish to the small tank before I did it. From now on, I plan on getting smaller red worms that the fish can eat whole. Right now I have been tearing off small pieces of earthworm. The pieces don't move at all so the fish lose interest once they settle on the bottom. If the fish don't eat the food I give them, I need to take the pieces out of the tank, and not leave them on the bottom in hopes that the fish scavange.
6. The inlet tube for the filter is pretty long, but doesn't quite reach down to the bottom of the tank. I wonder if I get another attachment to make it longer then it will pick up more junk before it settles on the bottom.
7. The fish need more rocks to hide under. The green sunfish try to get under the one rock with the darter and the darter gets agitaded and tries to push them out. It's funny to watch, but I'm sure the fish would be a lot happier with more hiding spots.
1 day ago
If you go to a fish store you should be able to buy a tank cleaner siphon. It has a large tube conected to a smaller tube and is used for cleaning the gravel on the bottom. I had a tank but it was at least 20 years ago. Damn that makes me feel old. hope this helps.
Thanks, I'll see if I can find something like that.
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