Fishing in the sea?! Is that allowed on this blog? My girlfriend and I were staying a few days on Shiraishi Island, which is a 30 min ferry ride from Kasaoka, Japan. There was a small restaurant/shop by the shore that offered all day fishing for $5. They had a shed full of tackle and a freezer with shrimp for bait. No supervision, you just took whatever you wanted and returned it at the end of the day. The owner recommended that we fish out on the end of a floating dock nearby, by I was eyeing some big rocks a 1/4 mile down the coast and took my girlfriend there instead. We were able to hop from rock to rock until we could fish in 4-6 foot deep water. I had my trunks on and eventually just jumped in and waded around to find good spots. Fishing was easy. It only took a few seconds to get bites. The only challenge was hooking the shrimp well enough so they didn't fall off too easy. We lost a lot of bait. We caught a lot of fish too though, especially puffer fish like in the 1st and 3rd pictures. We caught over 20 in the one day. We were also catching fish called "bera" or "bela" in Japanese. They are in the 2nd and 4th pictures. My girlfriend caught the biggest one (2nd pic) of the day, and the shop owner said it would sell for about $5 in a sushi restaurant. I'm not sure what the fish is in the last picture.
Good times... if you're ever in western Japan and looking for a relaxing day, this is it. :)
1 day ago
Wow, what beautiful country side! How long is your trip?
That seems like a perfect day!
what the beautiful scenery..hope you get lot of fish from next trip..sayonara
Dana, I came back to Madison on Thursday. 3 fishing trips in 18 days abroad isn't too bad I think. :)
Ben, that does look like a fun trip.
I wonder what your experience was with those puffers. In my lagoon we in Belize we catch quite a few southern puffers. Belizeans keep puffer fish away from the other catch and try not to handle them too much. I don't know how toxic the ones are that you caught, but that family of fish is generally loaded with tetrodotoxin. "Fugu" sushi from puffer fish has to be prepared by a lisenced butcher and he if botches the job, eating the meat can be fatal. In the Caribbean, puffer fish were the source of a toxin that supposedly was used to drug people and compell them into forced labor (the origin of the "zombie" legend).
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