My buddy Terry was in town so we went over to Lake Monona for an hour or so. The bluegill were biting fine, but not a whole lot else. Terry caught a handful of bluegill and 1 green sunfish. I caught over a dozen bluegill, 1 rock bass, 1 smallmouth, and 1 largemouth. The smallmouth was definitely a trophy fish. (see the pic below)
And completely unrelated to fishing... I bench pressed 325 lbs today!!!!!!

Congrats on your 325!
Way to go on the 325 bench! You had that one planned out months ago and met every checkpoint along the way.
By the way, I was invited to give a biostat seminar at U of Wisc whenever I like in the 2008-2009 academic year. Because I teach every day in the fall, I was thinking of scheduling it for early February. That way I might be able to icefish with you and then leave you my gear for the late ice fishing season, that is often very good and ends around mid-March most years.
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