Last night Chuck and I went catfishing in Mendota over by Tenney Park. Armed with chicken livers and nightcrawlers, we each threw 2 lines out into the water around sundown to see what we could catch. Not long after we got there, a young guy was pulling in a 8-10 lb channel cat, so we were optomistic about our chances. Just a few minutes later, Chuck got a hit and it was big! He was using 8 lb line and a fairly small pole, and whatever was on the other end decided it wanted to fight. It took probably 10 minutes to get it up to the shore - a monster channel cat! Some passerbys had a scale and weighed it at 14 lbs.

I was hoping for a monster of my own, but I had to settle with something a bit smaller. My chicken liver didn't get a bite all night, but I soon hooked up on a small bullhead on my nightcrawler. Please excuse the overly cheesy smile. :D

As the night continued on, I caught 1 more bullhead and Chuck caught 3. We took all 5 home, where they are chilling out in my spare aquarium until we clean them tonight. (The channel cat was released.)
Nice fish, congrats.
That is a monster catfish! Tenney Park is such a great place for catching monster fish of all species. The biggest fish I ever had hooked was at Tenney Park, but I didn't land it. I love the view of the city shoreline from Tenney Park late in the evening.
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