All of these pictures are from the subdivision pond in Champaign, except for the 6 lb bass. It was caught in an even smaller subdivision pond down the road.
Pic 1 - two good sized bluegill Pic 2 - 11 lb catfish being scientifically weighed Pic 3 - the 11 lb catfish after I got him out of the water Pic 4 - a typical sized largemouth from the pond Pic 5 - a 6 lb largemouth, also scientifically weighed :)
Hey Ben, what's your ex-housemate Blake's last name? I told him we'd get together to wade the river, but I can't find his netid. I guess I never knew his last name.
hi, do u have any happy pics with your catch that i can post on my blog? compiles pics of people around the world having fun and good times. Thanks!
Ben, Can you please email me? I recently moved to Champaign and would love to pic your brain about what subdivisions and techniques you used to use. Thanks man! -Mike
Dang Man! You rule the Champaign-Urbana residential ponds!
Those are two excellent bluegills. Were those from the same pond where you caught that big one Saturday?
Good pics Ben!
yup, same pond. it's a gold mine
Hey Ben, what's your ex-housemate Blake's last name? I told him we'd get together to wade the river, but I can't find his netid. I guess I never knew his last name.
Blake Johnson - his phone number is 309 - two two one - 0762
He mentioned that you guys were talking about doing that, so I'm pretty sure he's still interested.
hi, do u have any happy pics with your catch that i can post on my blog? compiles pics of people around the world having fun and good times.
Ben, Can you please email me? I recently moved to Champaign and would love to pic your brain about what subdivisions and techniques you used to use. Thanks man! -Mike
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