When I caught the drum, the hook got burried in his gullet. He wasn't going to make it, so I did the responsible thing and kept him to take home. I've been wondering if they taste good like people say on the internet.
I took my gear down to the first bridge going over the Yahara and cast into the middle underneath it. That's where I caught this hybrid or white bass. I was pretty pleased to have caught a new species, but once again the hook was buried in the gullet. That seems to be a problem when I fish with worms on the bottom. The fish swallow all of it before I get a chance to set the hook in the lip.
I took both of the fish home. Here's what they looked like before...
... and here's what they looked like after! I soaked the fillets in lemon juice, and then dipped them in egg and covered them with italian seasoned bread crumbs. Fried in butter, they were dee-e-licious! I was really impressed with both of them. They tasted very different but were both very enjoyable. I'll consider bringing home more if I catch good sized ones again.